Getting Started:
Make math and science easier (and more fun) with free graphing calculator programs and games from You can make the process of transfering the application to your calculator sweet and simple with Texas Instrument’s handy TI connect software. Install it on your computer and grab your GraphLink Connection cable (USB cable) to plug in your calculator. Then you can start downloading any of our programs and games (Wow! There’s a lot!) from our libraries to transfer and install them to your calculator. Have fun!
Title: | Brief Description: | Requirements: | Category: |
3 Dimensional Function Converter | TI-89 graphing calculator program for converting 3-d functions. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
4th Degree Quadratic Solve | TI-89 graphing calculator program for solving 4th degree quadratics. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Absolute Value 89 | TI-89 graphing calculator absolute value program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Algebra 2 Geometry | TI-89 graphing calculator algebra and geometry program. Completing the square, prime number functions, temperature converter and more. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Algebra Help Program | TI-89 graphing calculator program for primes, slope and distance. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Area Between 2 Curves | TI-89 graphing calculator program for finding the area between 2 curves. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Bezout’s Identity and Coefficients | TI-89 graphing calculator B?zout’s Identity program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Binomial Expansion | TI-89 graphing calculator program for binomial expansion. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Bisection Method Function Solver | TI-89 graphing calculator program for solving functions with the bisection method. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
College Algebra Notes | TI-89 graphing calculator college algebra notes program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Completing the Square | TI-89 graphing calculator program for completing the square. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Complex Radical Program | TI-89 graphing calculator program for calculating complex radicals. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Cramer’s Rule Program | TI-89 graphing calculator program for calculating intercepts of a system of equations using Cramer’s Rule. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Cube solver | TI-89 graphing calculator program for solving cubic equations. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Cubic Expression Solver | TI-89 graphing calculator program for solving cubic expressions. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Cubic Spline Solve | TI-89 graphing calculator cubic spline program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Diophantine Equations | TI-89 graphing calculator Diophantine equations program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Dirichlet Beta Function | TI-89 graphing calculator Dirichlet Beta Function program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Dirichlet Eta Function | TI-89 graphing calculator Dirichlet Eta program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Dirichlet Lambda Function | TI-89 graphing calculator Dirichlet Lambda Function program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Divide Polynomials | TI-89 graphing calculator program for dividing polynomials. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Equation Library | TI-89 graphing calculator equation library program for storing and solving equations. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Equation Points of Intersection | TI-89 graphing calculator program for finding the points of intersection of two linear equations. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Equation Saver and solver | TI-89 graphing calculator program for saving and solving equations. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Factor Polynomials | TI-89 graphing calculator program for factoring polynomials. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Fast Exponentiation Algorithms | TI-89 graphing calculator fast exponentiation algorithms program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Find All Zeros | TI-89 graphing calculator program for finding the zeros of an equation. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Find the Discriminant | TI-89 graphing calculator program for finding the discriminant. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Fourier Analysis | TI-89 graphing calculator Fourier Analysis program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Function Program | TI-89 graphing calculator program for calculating the max, min, intervals and concavity of a function. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Growth Decay Equation | TI-89 graphing calculator growth and decay equation program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Half-Life Decay Formula | TI-89 graphing calculator half life decay formula program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Harmonic Conjugate Solver | TI-89 graphing calculator harmonic conjugate program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Harmonic Motion Equation | TI-89 graphing calculator harmonic motion equation program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Line Equation Finder | TI-89 graphing calculator program for finding the equation, slope, and intercepts of a line. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Linear Interpolation Function | TI-89 graphing calculator linear interpolation program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Math Made Easy | TI-89 graphing calculator program calculates slope, intercepts, distance, midpoint, and equation of a line. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Mean Value (Rolle’s) Theorem | TI-89 graphing calculator mean value theorem program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Min and Max | TI-89 graphing calculator max and min program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Multiply Polynomials | TI-89 graphing calculator program for multiplying polynomials. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Normal Line Function Program | TI-89 graphing calculator program for finding the equation of a normal line to a function at a point. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Parabola intercepts plus | TI-89 graphing calculator program for finding the intercepts of a parabola. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Parabola Solve | TI-89 graphing calculator program for solving parabolas. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Parameterize Line Segments | TI-89 graphing calculator program for parameterization of line segments. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Partial Fractions and All Roots | TI-89 graphing calculator partial fraction expansion program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Pole Order Program | TI-89 graphing calculator pole order program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Polygon Solver | TI-89 graphing calculator program for finding the radius, apothem, perimeter, side length, degree sum, and area of any regular polygon. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Polynomial Euclidean divisions | TI-89 graphing calculator polynomial Euclidean divisions program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Polynomial Histogram Builder | TI-89 graphing calculator histogram program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Polynomial Interpolation | TI-89 graphing calculator polynomial interpolation program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Polynomial Roots and Graphing | TI-89 graphing calculator program for graphing and finding the roots of a polynomial. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Save Equations | TI-89 graphing calculator program for solving previously saved equations. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Slope intercept line calculator | TI-89 graphing calculator program for calculating slope and x and y intercepts. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Solve Parabolic Equations | TI-89 graphing calculator program for solving parabolic equations. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Solve Range Formula | TI-89 graphing calculator range formula program. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Tangent and Binormal Vectors | TI-89 graphing calculator program for calculating tangent and binormal vectors. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Ultimate Algebra Program | TI-89 graphing calculator algebra program. Includes identity matrices, recursive number sequences, and factor pair generator. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |
Zero Interval Polynomial Program | TI-89 graphing calculator program for calculating zero intervals of a polynomial. | Requires the ti-89 calculator.(Click here for an explanation) | [ Programs ] [ ti-89 ] [ algebra ] |