I found a really good game, but it was made for the ti 83/84 plus family of calculators, made in asm, but it has source code in "axe" i think, and i wanted to play it, problem is i have a ti 89. is there any way to convert the program to the ti 89?
in Using TI-89 Titanium by

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1 Answer

No. The "asm" for the TI-83/84 machines is actually machine language for the Zilog Z-80 microprocessor which those calculators are based on.  The "asm" for the TI-89 is built around the Motorola MC68000 processor which is a completely different machine/architecture.  There is no good way to translate from one to the other without a complete re-write of the entire program.

For more information, see: http://www.techicalc.org/tifaq/ and check under heading 2: Assembly Programs

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