I just want to do simple, quick operations like multiplcation, addition, etc and it gives me all the answers in scientific notation. For example I need to multiply 65 * 890 and the answer it gives me is 57.85x10^3. It's not hard to figure out the answer but it's annoying since I have to do timed assignments and I can't just get a quick answer I can jot down. Is there a way to fix this? The mode is on ENG and its on FLOAT.
in Using TI-84 Plus by

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2 Answers

To switch a TI-84 Plus calculator out of scientific notation, you can adjust the display settings using the following steps:

  1. Press the "MODE" button on the calculator.
  2. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the "FLOAT" option in the second row of the mode menu.
  3. Press the right arrow key to highlight the "DEC" option.
  4. Press "ENTER" to select the "DEC" option.
  5. Press "2ND" followed by the "FORMAT" button to access the format menu.
  6. Use the arrow keys to select "FLOAT" or "FIX" format, depending on your preference.
  7. Use the arrow keys to select the number of decimal places you want to display.
  8. Press "ENTER" to save your changes and exit the format menu.

After completing these steps, the calculator should display numbers in decimal format instead of scientific notation.

by (1.1k points)
set my calculator to Normal, Float 4, Dec answers - yet it still chooses to display the answer in Sci mode if their are several leading zeros
.000002/2 = 1.0E-6 (was expecting to see 0.000001)
but .222222/2 = .1111

 Here is solution https://ti84calcpro.com/ i used it and it gives most of answers.

by (140 points)
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