I need to know how to input the information into the calculator
in Using TI-83 Plus by

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1 Answer

You download a program from this website(I suggest A+algebra progam) and you downlad it. Once its downloaded unzip the zip file and transfer the TI file using your Cable and The TI program. You transfer the file by clicking the "transfer to device" option. Wait for it to load your calculator. Then click on browse and click on the TI file you unzipped earlier. Now when it finishes transferiing unplug your calculator from the computer and turn your calculator on. Hit the program button ( its shaped like this PRGM on your calculator) find the file you just transfered and hit enter. Now when your on the screen find factor polynomial and select it and VOILA there. plug in the numbers you want to factor.

IF YOU NEED ANY QUESTIONS EMAIL ME AT: unknown121212@outlook.com
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