I looked everywhere online but I could not find the answer to this question.  I am trying to program the average value theorem into my calculator but I cant figure out how to have it prompt an equation that gets stored in Y1.  I can always just plug it in before running the program but if there is a key stroke that can make this happen I would really like to know it.
in Using TI-84 Plus by

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1 Answer

From the TI-83 manual,  Chapter 3-6: Defining Functions:
Defining a Function from the Home Screen or a Program

  1. Press [ALPHA] ["], enter the expression, and then press [ALPHA]["] again.
  2. Press [STO>].
  3. Press [VARS][>]1 to select 1:Function fro the VARS Y-VARS menu.
  4. Select the function name, which pastes the name to the cursor location on the home screen or program editor.

Press [ENTER] to complete the instruction.

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